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560 Staff Classifications, Performance, Promotion, and Transfer

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: December 16, 2016
560.1 Classification of Staff Positions

The classification and pay grade of approved positions will be determined by the Office of Human Resources. Both regular and temporary employees are considered employees at-will, with no guarantee of continued employment for any fixed period of time. 

  • 560.1.1 Regular Staff Position.  A regular position is one that is expected to continue longer than six (6) months and may be either full-time or part-time.
    • 560.1.1.1 Full-Time.  A full-time position is at least 37.5 hours of work per week. Persons with such positions participate in the University employee benefits programs.
    • 560.1.1.2 Part-Time.  A part-time regular position includes at least 20 hours but fewer than 37.5 hours of work per week.  Employees filling such positions are eligible to participate in the University staff benefits programs provided the position meets benefits participation criteria and approval has been granted by the appropriate vice president, the budget officer, and the Employee Benefits Office.
  • 560.1.2 Temporary Staff Position.  A temporary position is expected to last for a limited period, normally not longer than one (1) year.  Employees in such positions are not eligible to participate in the University employee benefits programs and do not have access to the employee grievance procedure.
560.2 Physical Examinations

The University may require employees in designated positions to successfully pass a physical examination prior to beginning work and at such other times as determined by the University.

560.3 Introductory Period

All new staff who are eligible for employee benefits programs are required to attend orientation.  Orientation is offered the first week of employment.  The Office of Human Resources conducts this orientation.   Because of the importance of the information provided, orientation is mandatory.

  • 560.3.1 Introductory Period.  All new, regular staff serve an initial three-month introductory period of employment.  During the introductory period, the supervisor will work with the employee to assist with understanding responsibilities, work assignments and performance expectations.  The supervisor will provide periodic feedback about tasks completed satisfactorily and those areas which need improvement.  A performance appraisal will be completed during this three-month period.
  • 560.3.2 Availability of Vacation, Sick Leave, Community Service Leave, and Convenience Day.  During the introductory period, employees receive certain employee benefits. However, vacation, sick leave, community service leave, and convenience day will not become available until after the satisfactory completion of the initial introductory period.
  • 560.3.3 Satisfactory Work Performance.  Most employees are able to provide satisfactory work performance within this introductory period.  However, if overall work performance does not meet expectations during this introductory period, employment may be terminated. 
560.4 Performance Appraisals

Newly appointed staff members will be evaluated prior to completion of the introductory period and annually thereafter. In addition, the supervisor may conduct an informal session with the employee to review progress and seek any comments regarding work performance.

  • 560.4.1 Purpose.  The performance appraisal is intended to encourage discussion, review progress and accomplishments, assist the employee in achieving assigned tasks, and determine expectations for the next performance period.  A performance evaluation may also be conducted if performance fails to meet the expectations determined by the supervisor or if the employee requests one.
  • 560.4.2 Review Period.  The appraisal period begins on April 1 and ends on March 31 of the following year for non-exempt staff and begins May 1 and ends April 30 of the following year for non-exempt professional and exempt staff.  Performance appraisals may be completed on a more frequent basis at the discretion of the supervisor.  The completed and signed forms are to be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources and will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
560.5 Visit to Human Resources

Staff members are permitted reasonable time during regular work hours to visit the Office of Human Resources.

560.6 Employer Expectations

The purpose of work guidelines at Indiana State University is to convey expectations of employee conduct on the job.  Such guidelines apply to matters within a department that may have a bearing on an employee’s ability to be effective on the job. Additional work guidelines specific to the individual’s position, classification and/or work unit(s) may be required because of the nature of the work performed.  Failure to observe work guidelines may be cause for disciplinary action, ranging from reprimand to discharge depending upon the seriousness of the incident and/or the number of infractions.

  • 560.6.1 Absences.  Employees are expected to be punctual and maintain a good attendance record.  Every employee is expected to arrive at work on time and on a regular basis.  Failure to notify the supervisor of absences within a reasonable time will constitute an unauthorized absence. 
    • 560.6.1.1 Unauthorized Absences.  An unauthorized absence of three (3) consecutive working days may be considered cause for immediate termination.  In the event that an unexpected absence or tardiness occurs, the employee is expected to contact the immediate supervisor prior to or at the beginning of the normal work shift.
  • 560.6.2 Personal Appearance.  All employees are representatives of Indiana State University and are expected to present and maintain an appropriate personal appearance and a proper attitude toward work. While there is no specific dress code (although departments may have guidelines), dress is to be appropriate to the tasks and responsibilities of the position.  Dress imparts a perception to others as to the attitude and the seriousness with which a job is viewed.  Questions concerning appropriate dress should be directed to the supervisor or department head or to the Office of Human Resources.
  • 560.6.3 Expectations.  Expectations include but are not limited to:
    1. Following the written or oral instructions of supervisory authority to carry out work assignments.
    2. Maintaining confidentiality of information and accuracy of records.
    3. Not using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances during work hours or while on campus.
    4. Observing all safety rules and practices including the use of protective equipment and clothing in the operation of vehicles and equipment.
    5. Reporting as soon as possible, at least within 24 hours, all accidents or injuries that occur during working hours or while in the performance of University business.
    6. Appropriate and constructive use of work time is expected. Activities such as theft, conversion of University property for personal use, sleeping on the job, loafing, loitering or engaging in unauthorized personal business or activities will not be condoned and may result in disciplinary action or termination.
    7. The transfer, use, or possession of explosives, fireworks, firearms, chemicals, or any lethal weapon on University property is prohibited. (See Policy 725 Firearms and Other Dangerous Instruments.)
560.7 Promotions and Transfers
  • 560.7.1 Promotions.  In the selection of employees for promotions, consideration is given to the individuals who have the desirable qualifications that are specific to the position.  University experience is often of particular value. Demonstrated ability and excellent work performance on campus will enhance opportunities for advancement.
  • 560.7.2 Transfer.  A transfer is defined as a move to another position, usually at the request of the employee.  Transfers may represent a lateral move, promotion, or demotion. Employees interested in a transfer from one job classification to another will find it helpful to consult with Human Resources staff regarding qualifications and available options.
    • 560.7.2.1 Limitation on Consideration.  Staff members must serve a minimum of six (6) months in a position, have satisfactory performance appraisals, and have not been issued any disciplinary action in the previous six (6) month period before being considered for a transfer.  In extraordinary circumstances, any of the above criteria may be waived with the approval of Human Resources.
  • 560.7.3 Acceptance of Another Position.  An employee who accepts a position in another department on campus is expected to give the present supervisor a two-week notice.  If circumstances permit, an earlier release date may be obtained.  However, a department may not hold an employee longer than two (2) weeks following the notification of the transfer unless special arrangements are made between the supervisors involved.
  • 560.7.4 Three-Month Evaluation Period.  All promoted or transferred regular staff employees will have a three-month evaluation period.  This time period is to be used to develop an understanding of work requirements and to adjust to the new position.  A performance evaluation will be completed at the end of this period to ensure the employee is aware of job duties and responsibilities and is making satisfactory progress in the position.
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